Taking Note of Inspiration

I tend to move quickly, but I’d prefer to do it in an intentional, purposeful way. Every once in a while, I’ll catch myself acting without thinking, listening without processing, failing to collect any gems or pearls as I go through the motions of life. Then I catch myself.

A cousin started a WhatsApp group recently. It has no other purpose that to create awareness of other people on the same journey. We’re all following (thinking about, doing, I’m not sure what the right verb is here) a 21-day meditation program by Deepak Chopra. In this morning’s meditation, he said “we can change our physical world by changing our thoughts and beliefs. I made a note of this because it resonating strongly within me when I read these words.

Entwining Being and Doing

The synergy of intention and action has intrigued me. The way you think (intention) changes what you do (action) and those two together define who you are. There are quotes that inspire me to be different or more of the same. They help me come more fully into myself. I started Quotable Interviews because I wanted to share those quotes with anyone who might get value from them. I enjoy finding out what other people are learning and sharing what I’m learning with them. Changes BIG and small evolved from that observation. The more I pay attention, the more I notice. Isn’t it amazing that there is always something else for us to learn? This means we never need to be bored. there’s nothing wrong with feeling bored, but if it bothers you, there are lots of places you can go to learn. In the simplest case, strike up a conversation with a friend or family member, and let you mind spark with curiosity.

What inspires you? What’s the best question you’ve asked or someone else asked you that caused you to shine? How do you make note of the things you want to remember? Please share in the comments.

During April, I’m participating in the writing prompts challenge from WordPress.com. Want to participate? Find the prompts here.

Featured image source: unsplash-logoHan Lahandoe

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