Birthday Reflections 2020, Age 41

I love my birthday. I don’t mind that it signifies that I am getting older. I consider it a time for relaxation and reflection. Typically, I enjoy spending some time alone.

Earlier this year, a friend and I decided to go on a river cruise on the Elba river. We picked the cruise and made our initial down payment. Then COVID-19 happened. We didn’t know what was in store for the world, but decided to cancel our booking. This was in March.

Six months later, the world hasn’t righted. We are experiencing disruptions in numerous economies and whole industries have slashed jobs. Many people are facing existential crises.

In every job I’ve held, I’ve had the pleasure of using my skills to help others. Yet, every birthday is a chance to consider if I am living my purpose. I will continue to explore the concepts of change and purpose in this season of my Changes BIG and small podcast.

This birthday, I am thankful for the country where I was born, St. Lucia, which helped me develop a firm identity as a black person. I grew up with many role models that look like me, and I was able to dream.

I’m thankful for my adopted home, Canada, which my father provided the key to allow me access to higher education and citizenship. My Canadian passport has been a privilege, put to use with my education for opportunities to work around the world.

I’m thankful to my adopted home, Czech Republic. Living in the heart of Europe has allowed me the opportunity to see and experience things I didn’t even know existed.

When I was a child, I thought life was like a hill, and 50 was the top of that hill. I thought it was all downhill from there. But everyday, I am inspired by people of all ages, 80 year olds who run marathons, 60 year olds who do triathalons. I don’t want to do either of those things but they teach me that life is what you make it.

To another year. I’m watchful and curious to see how we will right out world, and what I might be able to contribute.

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