Happy 2015


So here’s the thing. Life is made up of tests and victories. The victories are accomplishments, celebrations, moments for joy, love and happiness. The tests challenge optimism and joy, but they are necessary for personal, professional and spiritual growth. I forget to value my tests for having shaped me even more than my victories.

As 2015 starts, positive memories are never far away. You likely know most of them because I posted them on Facebook. I self-sensor a lot when I write online but in the tradition of the Christmas letter, while flipping the script, here is my list of my best learning moments this year.

I spent a week in the hospital. My insurance paid except $200 for the private room upgrade. I’m fortunate that I could access great medical care. The downside: vegetarian food to Czech hospitals means boiled carrots, potatoes and cabbage. Best meal: rice with carrots and CHEESE!!

I twisted my ankle twice (the same one) just walking down the stairs. I don’t care what anyone says: 30s are not the new 20s!

I’ve wasted hours chatting with um … too unique guys on online dating sites. I cannot get that time back!

I bought a treadmill to alleviate my guilt over binge watching television. I am usually bored of the repetitive motion and the difficulty in hearing the tv after about 30 minutes.

I’ve had to use “find my iPhone” to find my old (4S) iPhone twice this year. At least neither time involved me getting the police to help (tales from Japan).

I traveled a lot; I saved little. (Yes, there it is a cause and effect relationship, not just a correlation.)

I don’t always make the best decision. No, it’s not a mistake but a choice.

1. The number of times I left my keys at work with my spare keys inside my apartment.

3, the number of times I’ve started to cry in a public place when thinking of my grandmother.

2, the number of times I’ve been late paying my rent because I forgot to set up automatic payment.

540 – the amount of US money that got stolen from me in Johannesburg.

It was really hard to come up with this list. I guess our brain protects us by finding it easier to recollect the good. Guess how many times I self censored in this post? 😉

Happy New Year friends, family, (global) neighbors. I hope that you have an abundance of victories and grow triumph over all your tests.

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